The Big Switch Off – Don’t Let Your Business Get Disconnected!


Everyone is talking about The Big Switch off 2025, a date that seems well into the future, but it is important to note that changes have already begun, and if you haven’t already, you need to take action to safeguard your business sooner rather than later.

On 5th September 2023, the National Stop Sell commenced nationwide. This meant that Openreach stopped selling Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) products, which have powered voice and broadband connectivity for many years.

Stop Sell impacts any products which rely on the traditional copper telephone network to provide voice or broadband services. Analogue services such as PSTN and ISDN based products are now therefore no longer available to buy, including ADSL and FTTC broadband.

What happens next?

The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) will reach the end of its life in December 2025. After this date, any services still supported on WLR (including traditional telephone lines) will need to move to alternatives. Broadband services will also be affected.

Help! I haven’t made the switch, what will happen and what do I do now?

If you are still using analogue services, then you need to make the switch as soon as possible. Over the coming months your services that run along copper lines will be terminated, therefore impacting your telecoms and other internet services. You could be cut off without sufficient notice which could be disastrous for businesses that rely heavily on their communications. We don’t want you to suffer any downtime!

Can you help me switch?

The communications landscape is changing, and digital transformation is moving us towards a connectivity-first approach.

We can help you make the switch by working with you to choose the right solution that will grow and scale your business while also supporting changes in working patterns, seasonality and even remote and hybrid working.

We can provide cost-effective alternatives such as lightning-fast reliable broadband solutions (FTTP and SOGEA) alongside a portfolio of other services, such as cloud-based phone systems. These products are designed to carry you through to 2025 and beyond, as you embrace the All-IP future.

Don’t delay, make the switch today to futureproof your business!


For more information about the The Big Switch Off or to talk to us about migrating your business over to an alternative solution, please contact us or call us on 0161 388 8188.


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